Superpower Transformer Calculator

Use this calculator to decide the best transformer to use for your Superpower supply. Given the values you enter, it computes the ripple, decides the drop out voltage based on selected Superpower type and load current, sums everything and calculates the minimum Vrms of the transformer.

Calculator fields have only minimum validation so if the Vrms result has something bizarre (like "NaN"), recheck your input values. If Vrms is negative, Load current exceeds the capability of the selected Superpower type.

Superpower type
(select to set drop-out)
Drop out voltage
Regulator output voltage (volts)
Max Load Current (amps)
Line frequency
Rectifier Diode Drop (volts)
Rectifier Filter Capacitance (µF)
Line voltage variation (in %)
Safety margin (in %)

Transformer 2ary Vrms
Transformer min. VA
  Regulator input Vpeak
Regulator Dissipation (Watts)
  Max ripple (Vpk-pk)
Max heat sink °C/W

Heat Sink

The value in the Max heat sink °C/W box shows the maximum thermal resistance for a heat sink on a Superpower with the Vin shown in Regulator input Vpeak with the other values as given. To see the heat sink needed for a different Vin, change the value in Line Voltage Variation until the Regulator input Vpeak equals the Vin you will use in your application. The heat sink calculation assumes a 75°C temperature increase of the regulator.


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How can Vrms be less than Vout?

Transformers are specified as Vrms. Full wave rectified and filtered transformer voltage is, with no load, approximately Vpeak, which is Vrms X sqrt(2). So Vrms is lower than the Vpeak required at the regulator's input, and with low output current requirements, may be lower than regulator Vout.

Why is Vrms negative and almost 1000?

The calculator does this when Load Current exceeds the capability of the selected Superpower type.

What kind of capacitors should I use for a rectifier filter?

Use the electrolytic capacitor of your choice. The most important issue for regulation is to have sufficient capacitance to prevent ripple that goes below Vout+Vdropout.

Should I bypass the filter capacitors with ceramic?

Yes, a 0.1µF ceramic cap at the Superpower Vin terminal helps reduce high frequency noise and RF. This amount or more capacitance should be placed at the Vin terminal to ground to prevent possible low level oscillation at some load current values. This does not affect the calculation very much.

How much filter capacitance should I use, can I use too much?

More filter capacitance is better, it reduces ripple. When the room lights start to dim as you switch on the power supply, you may be reaching the point of "too much." Or maybe you should run a separate mains wire for your audio system :-).

Can this calculator be used for any voltage regulator?

It can be used for any series voltage regulator if you know the drop-out voltage. For Superpower Type choose Custom regulator and enter the drop-out value for your regulator at the given load current.


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SPHP—1000 Watts for your music server!

SPHP, a 10A Superpower with adjustable output voltage from 5V to 100V

  • Same low noise
  • Same blazing step response
  • Same great ripple rejection.
Just lots more current and much higher output voltage. For sale on our order page See more information in the data sheet here.

Build a power supply

A PCB and parts list for building a compact dual positive or positive+negative power supply are on this new page.

Transformer Calculator!

Use the Belleson Transformer Calculator to calculate the minimum Vrms voltage of a transformer for your Superpower based supplies.

It's Official

We're proud to announce the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has granted patent 8,294,440 to the Superpower design.

Use the Superpower regulator in...

  • Headphone amps
  • DACs
  • Buffers
  • Clocks and reclockers
  • Preamps
  • Microphone preamps
  • Phono stages
  • Phono motors
  • Tube preamps and input stages
  • Line powered guitar effects boxes
  • Anywhere an extremely clean, quiet, dynamic power source is needed